In July of 1994 a group of men and women came together for the purpose of forming a home-brew beer making club. Zymurgists (one who uses a scientific application of fermentation) can smell a good beer from miles around so membership in the club began to grow rapidly. It became evident that the club needed to elect officers, collect dues, and schedule meetings for its members. BOCK was born.
Brewers Of Central Kentucky (B.O.C.K.) meet the 2nd Monday of each month to share ideas, recipes, and other information related to the making of beer, mead, ciders, or any other fermented alcoholic beverage. It makes no difference what level of zymurgist you are – a novice or an expert, you are welcome to attend a meeting and meet others who are just like you.
The age group of our members varies just like the homebrew we make. If you are from twenty one to seventy one you’ll find someone your age because here, the love of brewing is the common thread that binds us all.
If any of this sounds interesting to you just show up at one of our monthly meetings. We meet every second Monday of each month at 7:00PM. Check out our calendar to see where we will be next. Hope to see you there! If you would like to join, go here to learn more.